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ISO 868用硬度计测定针入硬度[肖氏(SHORE)硬度]
type D for harder materials (see the Note to 8.2). The method permits measurement either of the initial indentationorof the indentation after a specified period of time,orboth.
ISO 868 塑料和硬质胶.用硬度计测定针入硬度[肖氏(SHORE)硬度]引用文件
ISO 291 Plastics Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing
ISO 868 塑料和硬质胶.用硬度计测定针入硬度[肖氏(SHORE)硬度]相关标准
ASTM D2240橡胶特性的标准试验方法.肖氏硬度/Standard Test Method for Rubber Property8212;Durometer Hardness
ISO 48-4硫化橡

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