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EN 14319-1-2013 建筑隔热产品.硬质聚氨酯(PUR)和聚异氰脲酯(PIR)泡沫产品-CE认证
日期:2021-04-07 14:06
for the supply of fuels, oil, other liquids, hot and cold water, air and other gases.

现场制保温隔热材料-CE认证EN 14319-1-性能要求

Thermal resistance热阻
Reaction to fire防火性能EN 13501-1
Durability of thermal resistance against ageing/degradation抗老化/退化的耐热性
Durability of thermal resistance against high temperature耐高温的耐热性
Durability of reaction to fire against high temperature 耐高温反应的耐久性
Durability of reaction to fire against ageing/degradation 抗老化的对火反应的耐久性

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