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EN 13162:2012-CE认证 建筑绝热产品-工厂生产矿棉产品
日期:2021-04-06 11:02
uirements for factory made mineral wool products, with or without facings or coatings, which are used for the thermal insulation of buildings. The products are manufactured in the mat blankets, boards or slabs.

矿棉CE认证 EN 13162 性能要求

For all applications 通用要求

EN 12667(thin) Thermal resistance and thermal conductivity(100.3℃)热阻和导热系数(100.3℃)

EN 12939(thick)
EN 822 Length and width长度和宽度
EN 823 Method B.1 Thickness厚度 
EN 824 Squareness垂直度
EN 825 Flatness 平整度
EN 1

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