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ASTM D2859纺织地板覆盖物防火测试
日期:2020-03-11 13:26
rmination of the flammability of finished textile floor covering materials when exposed to an ignition source under controlled laboratory conditions.This test method is applicable to all types of textile floor coverings, regardless of the method of fabrication or whether they are made from natural or man-made fibers.

ASTM D2859纺织地板覆盖物防火测试 相关标准

ISO6925 铺地纺织品-燃烧性能-室温片剂测试
ISO 9239:地板覆盖物对火反应试验
BS 4790:小点火源对铺地织物的影响的测定方法(热金属螺母法)
BS 6307:

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