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UIC564-2 Appendix 9 Fire resistance of electric cables / UIC564-2 附录9 电缆的阻燃防火测试

UIC564-2 Appendix 10 Fire resistance of interconnecting gangway rubber flanges / UIC564-2 附录10 橡胶法兰产品的阻燃防火测试

UIC564-2 Appendix 11 Fire resistance of rigid thermoplastic materials / UIC564-2 附录11 刚性热塑材料的阻燃防火测试

UIC564-2 Appendix 12 Fire resistance of floor coverings / UIC564-2 附录12 地面铺装材料的阻燃防火测试

UIC564-2 Appendix 13 Fire resistance of seats / UI

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