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nce to spread of flame / UIC564-2 附录4 阻燃防火测试:火焰的扩散

UIC564-2 Appendix 5 Fire resistance of Textiles / UIC564-2 附录5 纺织产品的阻燃防火测试

UIC564-2 Appendix 6 Fire resistance of rubber door and window seals / UIC564-2 附录6 轨道车辆门窗橡胶密封条的阻燃防火测试

UIC564-2 Appendix 7 Fire resistance of materials by oxygen number / UIC564-2 附录7 通过氧指数判定材料的阻燃防火性能

UIC564-2 Appendix 8 Fire resistance of foam material / UIC564-2 附录8 发泡材料的阻燃防火测试

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