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EN 45545 欧盟最新防火测试
日期:2014-07-08 11:42
vehicles are specified.

EN 45545-6 describes the required fire detection and alarm systems, fire-fighting equipment and accompanying fire protection measures.

EN 45545-7 deals with the fire protection requirements for plants and equipment for flammable liquids and gases.

EN 45545 欧盟最新防火测试-测试方法

ISO 5658-2火焰延伸试验
ISO 5660-1热量释放试验
ISO 5659-2Ds 烟雾密度测试
ISO 5659-2VOF烟雾密度测试
ISO 5659-2 CIT烟雾毒性测试
EN ISO 11925-2小火焰测试
EN ISO 12952-2明火燃烧测试
EN 60332-1-

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