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BS 5576:1998野营帐篷,遮阳蓬,拖车篷,大篷车等防火安全性规范
日期:2012-04-10 09:46
n awnings scope: BS 5576:1998 Specificaiton for fire safety features of camping tents, awnings, trailer tents and caravan awnings standard specifiesrequirements for fire safety features in relation to materials used, provision of means of escape from and advice to users of camping tents,awnings,trailer tents and caravan awnings.

BS 5576:1998野营帐篷,遮阳蓬,拖车帐篷,大篷车等防火安全特征的规定的相关标准:

BS 6341:1983 帐篷用纺织品规格
BS 6341:1983 Specification for Fabrics for camping tents

BS 5867-

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