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AS/NZS 4088.1:1996家具及家具装饰材料的抗焖烧引燃性测试
日期:2012-04-10 09:05
domestic furniture -- Smouldering ignitability Standard specifies testing and performance requirements for the ignitability of filling and covering materials used in upholstered furniture intended for use in domestic situations. Covering and filling materials are tested either individually or, if actual composites, together using a smouldering source.

AS/NZS 4088.1家具及装饰材料的焖烧可燃性测试的相关标准:

AS 3744.1:1998家具-软体家具易燃性评估-第1部分:火源-焖烧
AS 3744.1:1998 Furniture - Assessment

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