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TB 604:2007 床上用品的明火阻燃测试
日期:2012-04-09 17:39
TB 604:2007 床上用品的明火阻燃测试

TB 604:2007 (DRAFT) Test Procedure and Apparatus for the Open Flame Resistance of Filled Bedclothing

TB 604:2007 床上用品的明火阻燃测试简介:TB 604:2007 床上用品的明火阻燃测试用于确定填充的寝具或床上用品在明火条件下的火焰传播。这些床上用品包括床罩被套,床垫,枕头,床上休息靠垫等。这些测试不适用于非填充的床上用品,如毛毯,床单和枕套。

TB 604:2007 (DRAFT) Test Procedure and Apparatus for the Open Flame Resistance of Filled Bedclothing scope:The test procedures outlined

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