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NFPA 267:1998暴露于明火中的床垫燃烧特性测试
日期:2012-04-09 17:23
mattresses and bedding assemblies exposed to flaming ignition source test method, using an open calorimeter environment,shall be used to determine heat release, smoke density,
weight loss, and generation of carbon monoxide of mattresses and bedding assemblies.
NFPA 267:1998暴露于明火中的床垫燃烧特性测试的相关标准:
Pr EN 1021-3 (NF D 60-013:2006) 软垫家具上弹性材料的阻燃测试要求方法
Pr EN 1021-3 (NF D 60-013:2006) Protocol for assessment of the ignitability of upholstered furniture Ignition sourc

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