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供应ISO 5659-2烟雾密度和烟雾毒性测试
hicles; Part 2: Fire behaviour and fire side effects of materials and parts, classification, requirement and test methods.
IMO FTPC Part 2:Smoke And Toxicity Test烟雾毒性测试

PrCEN/TS 45545-2: 轨道车辆的防火保护-第2部分:材料和元件的防火要求
PrCEN/TS 45545-2: Fire protection of railway vehicles - Part 2: Requirement for fire behaviours of materials and components
NF T51-071:塑料-遇火反应试验-在室温下氧气数量的确定。
NF X10-702:防火试验方法-烟的散发-通过燃烧测量烟的可视度或通过高温分解测量固体材料测量

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