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供应BS EN ISO12952

产品/服务: BS EN ISO12952 
品 牌: 易朔 
型 号: BS EN ISO12952:1999 
规 格: BS EN ISO12952:1999 
单 价: 面议  询价
最小起订量: 1  
供货总量: 11111
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-01-26
浏览次数: 2299

易朔BS EN ISO12952:1999床上用品的燃烧测试



易朔产品服务(厦门)有限公司将为您提供专业的BS EN ISO12952:1999-1/2床上用品的燃烧行为-焖烧测试,联系我们,免费咨询!



BS EN ISO12952:1999-1/2床上用品的燃烧行为-焖烧简介:BS EN ISO12952:1999-1/2床上用品的燃烧行为-焖烧测试简述了纺织品,床上用品,家用设备,被子,枕头,床套,床单等的防火测试,测试设备,测试条件和测试样品等。



BS EN ISO12952:1999-1/2 Burning behaviour of bedding Items - smouldering cigarette scope: BS EN ISO12952:1999-1/2 Burning behaviour of bedding Items - smouldering cigarette test include Textiles, Bedding, Fire tests, Textile testing, Textile products, Ignitability, Household equipment, Quilts, Pillows, Pillow slips, Mattress covers, Blankets, Sheets (bed), Flammability, Combustion, Cigarettes, Test equipment, Testing conditions, Test specimens.


BS EN ISO12952:1999-1/2床上用品的燃烧行为-焖烧测试的相关标准:


BS EN ISO12952:1999-3/4 床上用品的燃烧行为-明火

BS EN ISO12952:1999-3/4 Burning behaviour of bedding Items - open flame



TB 106:1986床垫,床衬垫的吗,焖烧测试要求,程序及其设备

TB 106:1986 Requirements, Test Procedure and Apparatus for Testing the Resistance of a Mattress or Mattress Pad to Combustion Which May Result from a Smoldering Cigarette


TB 121:1980用于高危险居所的床垫测试程序

BS 5866-4:1991在公营机构使用的毯子 ,第四部分:燃烧性能规范

BS 5866-4:1991 Blankets suitable for use in the public sector. Part 4: Specification for flammability performance


TB 121:1980 Flammability Test Procedure for Mattresses for Use in High Risk Occupancies


TB 129:1992用于公共场所床垫的阻燃测试方法                                                                

TB 129:1992 Flammability Test Procedure for Mattresses for Use In Public Buildings 


NFPA 267:1998暴露于火源下的床垫和床上用品组件的燃烧特征

NFPA 267:1998 Fire characteristics of mattresses and bedding assemblies exposed to flaming ignition source


ASTM E1590:2009床垫的火焰测试标准方法(明火)

ASTM E1590:2009 Standard test method for Fire testing of mattresses (open flame)


GB/T 20390-12006纺织品- 床上用品燃烧性能 -第一部分:焖烧可燃性试验方法

GB/T 20390-12006  Textiles-Burning behaviour of bedding items-Part 1: Test methods for the ignitability by a smouldering cigarette






BS EN ISO12952:1999-1/2床上用品的燃烧行为-焖烧


BS EN ISO12952:1999-1/2 Burning behaviour of bedding Items - smouldering cigarette


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