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Shanghai FuShengLai Foreign Trade Co.,Ltd

Semi trailer, forklift truck, overhead crane

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Shanghai FuShengLai Foreign Trade Co.,Ltd www.fushenglai.com (3w dot fushenglai dot com) is located in Shanghai. The range of our export products has Special semi trailers,normal semi trailers, and forklift truck. We have good cooperation relationships with our cooperated factories. We will negotiate best price for you. We have our own engineers and merchandisers. Our merchandisers were graduated from machinery college, they supervise the whole produce process strictly! Also, we have our own engineers team! We have our own lawyers team! We can guard your legitimate interest conveniently and rapidly! FuShengLai www.fushenglai.com (3w dot fushenglai dot com) has professional people with long experience in International trade. Therefore we can provide earnest, fast, reliable, service for you and your companies clients.Please visit our website and we only reply you if you email us directly! Please do not send your inquiry by B2B. Thank you for your cooperation.
公司名称: Shanghai FuShengLai Foreign Trade Co.,Ltd 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 上海 公司规模: 3
注册资本: 500万人民币 注册年份: 2014
经营范围: Semi trailer, forklift truck, overhead crane
销售的产品: Semi trailer, forklift truck, overhead crane
商务服务 / 其他商务服务
公司地址: 上海上海市
邮政编码: 231600
公司电话: 021-13761584-348
公司传真: 021-13761584
电子邮件: fushenglai01@163.com
公司网址: http://www.fushenglai.com
联 系 人: Lily Zhang (女士)
部门(职位): 业务部 (经理)
手机号码: 13761584348
最近登录: 2014-05-04 13:23