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NFPA 484 易燃金属、金属电源及金属粉尘标准

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2012-02-09   浏览次数:79  分享到: 分享到腾讯微博
NFPA 484 易燃金属、金属电源及金属粉尘标准
NFPA 484 Standard for Combustible Metals
NFPA 484 易燃金属、金属电源及金属粉尘标准
1.1* Scope. This standard shall apply to the production, processing, finishing, handling, recycling, storage, and use of all metals and alloys that are in a form that is capable of combustion or explosion.
1.1.1 The procedures in Chapter 4 shall be used to determine whether a metal is in a noncombustible form.
1.1.2 Combustible Powder or Dust. This standard also shall apply to operations where metal or metal alloys are subjected to processing or finishing operations that produce combustible powder or dust. Operations where metal or metal alloys are subjected to processing or finishing operations that produce combustible powder or dust shall include, but shall not be limited to, machining, sawing, grinding, buffing, and polishing.
1.1.3* Metals, metal alloy parts, and those materials, including scrap, that exhibit combustion characteristics of aluminum, alkali metals, magnesium, tantalum, titanium, or zirconium shall be subject to the requirements of the metal whose combustion characteristics they most closely match.
1.1.4 Metals and metal alloy parts and those materials, including scrap, that do not exhibit combustion characteristics of alkali metals, aluminum, magnesium, niobium, tantalum, titanium, or zirconium are subject to the requirements of Chapter 10.
1.1.5* This standard shall not apply to the transportation of metals in any form on public highways and waterways or by air or rail.
1.1.6 This standard shall not apply to the primary production of aluminum, magnesium, and lithium.
1.1.7 This standard shall apply to laboratories that handle, use, or store more than 1/2 lb of alkali metals or 2 lb aggregate of other combustible metals, excluding alkali metals.
1.1.8 All alkali metals and metals that are in a form that is water reactive shall be subject to this standard. 1.1.9* If the quantity of a combustible metal listed in Table
1.1.9 is exceeded in an occupancy, the requirements of NFPA 484 shall apply.
Rely on the 2012 NFPA 484 for advanced fire and explosion safety around all types of combustible metals and metal dusts.
Reflecting the latest research, testing, and fire experience, the 2012 edition of NFPA 484 Standard for Combustible Metals presents widely accepted safety requirements for any metal that meets the definition of a combustible metal in NFPA 484 -- including alkali metals, aluminum, hafnium, magnesium, niobium, tantalum, titanium, and zirconium.
Revised for consistency and easy referencing, this edition also features numerous technical changes
·   New information that clarifies the testing/classification of potentially combustible metals and metal dusts including revised wording indicating when the standard is applicable
·   "Management of change" requirements in chapters where it was not previously identified as a requirement, with additional information on wet dust collection systems, housekeeping practices that prevent fires and/or explosions, and PPE.
·   New Chapter 5 addressing the Determination of Dust Explosion Hazard Areas and Flash-Fire Hazard Areas.
Get the latest facts about retroactive requirements and new applications
·   Chapter 15, Fire Prevention, Fire Protection, and Emergency Response remains retroactive for all facilities that handle, use, process, store or recycle combustible metals or combustible metal dusts.
·   Chapter 16, Combustible Metal Recycling Facilities is now retroactive. Additional information was added to address emergency response requirements.
·   Process hazard analysis requirements now apply to all combustible metal chapters.
Everyone involved with facility fire safety or fire prevention and protection where combustible metals and/or combustible metal dusts are located, needs this essential document. The Standard was developed in response to fires which involved combustible metals where fire suppression water was used inappropriately. NFPA 484 includes requirements for the production, processing, finishing, handling, storage, use and recycling of all metals and alloys that are in a form capable of combustion or explosion. (Softbound, 155 pp., 2012)



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