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NFPA 432 有机过氧化物成分

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NFPA 432 有机过氧化物成分
NFPA 432 Code for the Storage of Organic Peroxide Formulations
NFPA 432 有机过氧化物成分
1.1.1 This code shall apply only to commercially available organic peroxide formulations in U.S. Department of Transportation- or Canadian Ministry of Transport-approved packages.
1.1.2 This code shall not apply to the storage of such formulations in process areas where they are manufactured or used.
1.1.3 This code does not apply to organic peroxide formulations that are capable of detonation in their normal shipping containers under conditions of fire exposure. Such formulations shall be handled and stored as Explosives 1.1 (formerly known as Class A explosives) in accordance with NFPA 495, Explosive Materials Code.
NFPA 432 presents requirements for the safe storage of organic peroxide formulations. These criteria provide guidance that
·   Divides organic peroxide formulations into fives classes, with Class I being the most dangerous and Class V the least dangerous
·   Defines different types of allowable storage facilities
·   Sets out fire safety requirements based on the material and facility class, including sprinkler protection requirements
·   Provides rules for maintenance, operation, and electrical requirements
The Annex material to the code includes a lengthy listed of recommended classifications for typical organic peroxide formulations. (Approx. 23 pp., 2002)



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