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NFPA 37: 固定式内燃机和燃气涡轮安装和使用标准

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2012-02-09   浏览次数:435  分享到: 分享到腾讯微博
NFPA 37: 固定式内燃机和燃气涡轮安装和使用标准
NFPA 37: Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines
NFPA 37: 固定式内燃机和燃气涡轮安装和使用标准
1.1 Scope. This standard establishes criteria for minimizing the hazards of fire during the installation and operation of stationary combustion engines and gas turbines.
Keep pace with the latest rules for safe engine operation and minimize fire hazards with the 2010 NFPA 37.
NFPA 37: Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines governs the installation and use of stationary engines and gas turbines fueled by liquid or gaseous fuels as prime movers for emergency generators, fire pumps, and stand-by and peak power systems. Requirements address system installation, fuel supplies, lubricating systems, engine exhaust systems, control and instrumentation, instructions, and fire protection features.
Make sure you're in the know about these important changes in the 2010 Standard:
·   Addition of guidance statements concerning retroactivity and equivalency
·   Enhanced definitions of ''automatic safety shutoff valve'' and ''automatic safety vent valve''
·   Clarification of alternatives to the minimum separation required between an engine and an adjacent structure
·   Amendments to the required safety components that must be provided in a fuel gas train for internal combustion engines
·   New requirements for the safety components that must be provided for the fuel gas train for gas turbines that are distinct from those for internal combustion engines
·   Acceptance of secondary containment-type fuel supply tanks for roof top installation
·   Provision requiring a double block valve arrangement in liquid fuel lines as a fire and explosion mitigation measure
·   Complete revision of Chapter 9: Control and Instrumentation, to establish minimum required protective controls for engines and turbines; to identify, for constantly attended installations, those devices that can safely be replaced by alarms and procedures; to incorporate necessary explanatory information in the Annex
·   Complete revision of Chapter 11: Fire Protection Features, and incorporation of necessary explanatory information in the Annex
·   Clarification of the procedure for calculating the fuel input rating
(Softbound, 25 pp., 2010)



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