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NFPA 287: 在干净房间内使用火灾传播器械度量材料易燃性标准试验方法

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2012-02-09   浏览次数:201  分享到: 分享到腾讯微博
NFPA 287: 在干净房间内使用火灾传播器械度量材料易燃性标准试验方法
NFPA 287: Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Flammability of Materials in Cleanrooms Using a Fire Propagation Apparatus (FPA)
NFPA 287: 在干净房间内使用火灾传播器械度量材料易燃性标准试验方法
1.1 Scope.
1.1.1 This standard shall determine and quantify the flammability characteristics of materials containing polymers that are used in cleanroom applications. The propensity of these materials to support fire propagation, as well as other flammability characteristics, are quantified by means of a fire propagation apparatus. Measurements obtained include time to ignition (tign), chemical (Qchem), and convective (Qc)heat release rates, mass loss rates m, and smoke extinction coefficient (D).
1.1.2 This standard includes the following separate test methods:
(1) The ignition test, which shall be used for the determination of tign
(2) The combustion test, which shall be used for the determination of Qchem, Qc, m, and D
(3) The fire propagation test, which shall be used for the determination of Qchem from burning of a vertical specimen
Promote fire safety in cleanrooms with NFPA 287.
Developed in response to industry requests, NFPA 287 addresses methods for measuring the flammability characteristics of materials containing polymers used in cleanroom applications.
NFPA 287 is associated with a large-scale, self-sustained upward or flow-added fire propagation on materials and products. Measurements include:
·   Critical heat flux
·   Thermal response parameter
·   Fire propagation index
·   Effective heat of combustion
·   Smoke yield
This 2007 edition is completely reorganized for clarity, ease-of-use, and consistency with NFPA®'s Manual of Style. (Approx. 31 pp., 2007)



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