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NFPA 1141 规划建筑群的防火

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2012-02-08   浏览次数:49  分享到: 分享到腾讯微博
NFPA 1141 规划建筑群的防火

NFPA 1141 Standard for Fire Protection Infrastructure for Land Development in Wildland, Rural, and Suburban Areas
NFPA 1141 规划建筑群的防火


1.1* Scope. This standard covers the requirements for the fire protection infrastructure in suburban and rural areas where there is an intended change of land use or intended land development. A.1.1 Land use changes in suburban and rural areas often occur in areas where there might be an inadequate water supply, inadequate fire department resources, extended fire department response time, limited access, hazardous vegetation, unusual terrain, or unusual characteristics. Without the involvement of the fire department from the outset, the resulting changes could create a situation where the fire department cannot properly access structures or have the resources necessary to deal with emergencies at the property and where the occupants might not be able to escape the incident. This standard addresses the design of subdivisions and development in areas where threats of natural disasters or human-caused hazards in suburban/rural areas not addressed by other planning and development documents. Moreover, in many areas of the United States, building and fire codes may not have been adopted, in which case this standard is meant to apply.



Expanded to included wildland areas as well as rural and suburban areas, the 2012 NFPA 1141 helps save lives and safeguard property in locations that pose unique fire protection challenges.

Areas that have inadequate water supply, inadequate fire department resources, extended fire department response time, limited access, and unusual terrain demand specialized strategies to protect people and property from fire dangers, and to allow fire fighters to do their jobs safely and effectively.

The updated and expanded 2012 NFPA 1141 Standard for Fire Protection Infrastructure for Land Development in Wildland, Rural, and Suburban Areas provides the latest requirements to help AHJs, planners, developers, and code officials make sure that these locations have adequate fire protection and emergency services infrastructure to reduce the impact of land development and land use changes.

In addition to an expanded scope to cover wildland, rural, and suburban areas as reflected in the new title, 2012 changes include

·   New sections on public notification and public appeals process help the AHJ effectively enforce and administer this Standard

·   Clarification of requirements for plan submittal and review

·   The addition of dead ends as a subsection of roadways

Order today to improve community safety and emergency preparedness in areas that present unusual characteristics to responding fire agencies. (Softbound, 19 pp., 2012)




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