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NFPA 1125 模型火箭及其大功率火箭发动机制造规范

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2012-02-08   浏览次数:79  分享到: 分享到腾讯微博
NFPA 1125 模型火箭及其大功率火箭发动机制造规范

NFPA 1125 Code for the Manufacture of Model Rocket and High Power Rocket Motors
NFPA 1125 模型火箭及其大功率火箭发动机制造规范


1.1 Scope.

1.1.1* This code shall apply to the manufacture of model and high power rocket motors designed, sold, and used for the purpose of propelling recoverable aero models.

1.1.2 This code shall apply to the design, construction, and reliability of model and high power rocket motors and model rocket and high power motor-reloading kits and their components, and to the limitation of propellant mass and power.

1.1.3 This code shall not apply to the sale and use of the following

(1) Model rocket motors (covered by NFPA 1122, Code for Model Rocketry)

(2) High power rocket motors (covered by NFPA 1127, Code for High Power Rocketry)

1.1.4* This code shall not apply to the manufacture, transportation, and storage of fireworks.

1.1.5 This code shall not apply to the manufacture, transportation, and storage of rocket motors by the United States military or other agencies or political subdivisions of the United States.

1.1.6 This code shall not apply to the assembly of reloadable model or high power rocket motors by the user.

1.1.7 This code shall not apply to the fabrication of model rocket motors or high power rocket motors by individuals for their personal use.



Implement the latest safeguards for model rocket manufacturing as defined in the 2012 NFPA 1125.

NFPA 1125 Code for the Manufacture of Model Rocket and High Power Rocket Motors provides requirements for safety in the manufacture of model and high power rocket motors, and ensures reliability of rocket motors and motor-reloading kits and their components.

Only the 2012 edition includes these critical safety improvements

·   Update of definitions to be consistent with federal regulations definition changes and to provide consistency between the three rocketry standards

·   Requirement for including warning labels on model rocket motors that produce sparks to warn of the additional hazard

·   Added rules clarifying the labeling requirements for rocket motors or motor reloading kits classified as high power and establishing that these motors are only for sale to certified users 18 years or older

·   Certification testing requirements expanded to address rocket motors that provide a user-selected time delay feature

·   Wider range of high power rocket motor casing temperatures permitted based on results of National Association of Rocketry tests

This important Code is essential for model rocket enthusiasts/hobbyists and high power rocketry practitioners, as well as manufacturers of model and high power rocket motors and motor reloading kits. (Softbound, 25 pp., 2012)



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