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您当前的位置:首页 » 产品中心 » ISO 2556塑料 在大气压力下薄膜和薄板的透气率的测定
ISO 2556塑料 在大气压力下薄膜和薄板的透气率的测定
产品/服务: 浏览次数:266ISO 2556 
型 号: ISO 2556 
规 格: PCS 
品 牌: CASfire 
单 价: 面议 
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
更新日期: 2022-04-26  有效期至:长期有效

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ISO 2556塑料 在大气压力下薄膜和薄板的透气率的测定 测压法—标准名称

ISO 2556 Plastics; Determination of the gas transmission rate of films and thin sheets under atmospheric pressure; Manometric method

ISO 2556塑料 在大气压力下薄膜和薄板的透气率的测定 测压法

ISO 2556塑料 在大气压力下薄膜和薄板的透气率的测定 测压法—适用范围

Specification of the methodand of two types of suitable test apparatus. The plastic test specimen separates two chambers, the one contains the test gas at atmospheric pressure, the other of known initial volume has the air pumped out until the pressure is practically zero. The quantity of gas which passes through the specimen from one chamber to the other is determined as a function of time by measuring the increase in pressure occuring in the second chamber by means of a manometer.

ISO 2556塑料 在大气压力下薄膜和薄板的透气率的测定 测压法—相关标准

ASTM D1434测定塑料薄膜和薄片的透气性的标准测试方法/Standard Test Method for Determining Gas Permeability Characteristics of Plastic Film and Sheeting

ISO 2556塑料 在大气压力下薄膜和薄板的透气率的测定 测压法/Plastics; Determination of the gas transmission rate of films and thin sheets under atmospheric pressure; Manometric method

ISO 15105-1塑料.薄膜和薄板.透气速率的测定.第1部分:差压法/Plastics - Film and sheeting - Determination of gas-transmission rate - Part 1: Differential-pressure methods

JIS K7126-1塑料.薄膜和薄板.气体传输率的测定.第1部分:压差法/Plastics -- Film and sheeting -- Determination of gas-transmission rate -- Part 1: Differential-pressure method

GB/T 1038塑料薄膜和薄片气体透过性试验方法 压差法/Plastics—Film and sheeting—Determination of gas transmission—Differentialpressure method
